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Straight Male Entertainers for Women in Vegas

Every guy reading this is pissed off that I haven’t put up the same type of info on female escorts. But there’s so much info to sift through on female entertainers that I’m not ready to post that stuff yet.

However, if you’re a female coming to (or living in) Las Vegas, you should know that there are straight male escorts available for women. Most of the entertainment services in this town (and in most cities) cater to male clients. This is true even of male entertainment services as these services primarily serve the gay male market.

But one local Vegas service, Cowboys4Angels, caters exclusively to women (or couples). The rates are similar to the rates of female entertainers, $300-350 per hour, $1200 for four hours, etc. The cowboys’ individual rates vary and are posted online, where you can peruse pics and get other info on the guys available.

As with female entertainers, you do not contract for sex with a male escort, as that would be illegal. You simply pay the hourly rate for companionship. But as the Cowboys4Angels website explains in their FAQs:

If we have a romantic spark is that illegal? No, it is not illegal to have a romantic spark with your escort companion.
Anything that may or may not happen is a matter of personal choice and personal preference between two or more consenting adults of a legal age, and is not contracted for, nor is requested to be contacted for, or compensated for in any manner.

In other words, you pay the service their fee, and that gets you a certain amount of companionship time. You happen to like the guy a lot–and he likes you so much–that you wind up in bed. Romance happens.

These guys all look like ripped hunks in their mid-20s. Some of the escorts available through this service have appeared on the Showtime series Gigolos.

So ladies, have a good time, and gentlemen, be patient.

[You may also be interested in our posts on the best Vegas strip clubs for women and tips for couples going to a Vegas strip club for the first time.]


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